Friday, June 6, 2008


'I recall being present at a conversation between two men who werevery different from one another. One would say in simple and pro-found sentences some truth had taken to heart; the other wouldlisten in silence, then when reflection had done its work he would in turn express some proposition, sometimes in almost the same words, albeit slightly differently (more rigorously, more loosely or more strangely). This redoubling of the same affirmation constituted the strongest of dialogues. Nothing was developed, opposed or modified; and it was manifest that the first interlocutor learned a great deal, and even infinitely, from his own thoughts repeated –not because they were adhered to and agreed with, but, on the contrary, through the infinite difference. For it as though what he said in the first person as an “I” had been expressed anew by him as“other” [autrui] and as though he had thus been carried into the very unknown of his thought: where his thought, without being altered, became absolutely other [l’autre].'

as vrea sa repet si eu ceea ce a spus aici blanchot - si tot asa, cum spune el, cu pauze lungi de gandire in care treci cumva prin tine cuvintele celuilalt - si i le repeti

cand invatam chestii pe terapie rogeriana faceam tot asta - numai ca la modul tehnic, cumva, ca pe un lucru invatat -

dupa aia, am inceput sa re-evaluez mult m radical tacerea - atunci cand nu m este nevoie sa-i reflecti celuilalt inapoi ceea ce ai prins din discursul lui, dar faci un efort sa te golesti, sa te descentrezi, si sa permiti cuvintelor lui sa intre in tine -

si sa le intelegi deja inauntrul tau.

si vine acum pasajul asta din blanchot:)